This documentary will follow Brazilian and UK conservationists as they search for the remaining groups of buffy-headed marmosets and rescue any that are in imminent danger. It will document the first steps in setting up a breeding progamme in Brazil for these monkeys, hopefully recording the first captive-born infants.
The documentary will be produced in collaboration with the Mountain Marmoset Conservation Programme and 3C International, a video production company based in the Channel Islands.
The Mountain Marmoset Conservation Programme was established in 2014 by Dr. Rodrigo Salles de Carvalho and now includes participants from many institutions and communities. The MMCP carries out vital research to understand the threats facing the buffy-headed and buffy-tufted ear marmosets, including the loss of their habitat, and competition and hybridisation with invasive pet marmoset species. Learn more about the Mountain Marmoset Conservation Program here:
Over the last 10 years, 3Ci ( has worked closely with Tamarin Trust’s Dom Wormell on various projects saving species from extinction. 3Ci has worked in Columbia and Brazil as well as a number of African countries, the Middle East and Far East. The team is experienced in all aspects of production from planning to post-production, which is all carried out in house using broadcast quality cameras and edit suites.

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