Saving the world’s smallest monkeys from extinction


  • Tamarin Trust supports golden-headed lion tamarins

    The beautiful golden-headed lion tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysomelas) is one of the four lion tamarin species found in Brazil. It lives only in the severely threatened Atlantic coastal forests in the state of Bahia. Only 10% of the original forest remains, with obvious consequences for the golden-headed lion tamarins.  Understanding how the golden-headed lion tamarin uses…

  • News from the pied tamarin conservation action plan

    We are delighted to share with you the second newsletter for the conservation of the pied tamarin, covering the many positive steps being taken to help this wonderful monkey. The newsletter has been put together by Diogo Lagroteria, the chair of the national action planning team. You can download the newsletter here: Thank you to…

  • Road bridges and trees for pied tamarins

    When the news that comes in from the Amazon makes you feel depressed and with little hope for the future, people like Marcelo Gordo can lift your mood and give you optimism for the future. He plants trees in the city of Manaus and in surrounding areas. He has created a small nursery in the…

  • Pied tamarin conservation workshop, Manaus, Brazil

    In November, Tamarin Trust, along with our colleagues, the Brazilian species conservation agency ICMBio, and Toledo Zoo, ran a workshop on the conservation and captive care of pied tamarins. This incredible monkey is only found in and around the Amazonian city of Manaus. It is critically endangered, and many tamarins are living in tiny fragments…

  • New research highlights threat to pied tamarins

    A team of Brazilian conservationists led by Diogo Lagroteria has published new information on one of the threats to the population of pied tamarins around Manaus in Amazonia. The red-handed tamarin, a widespread species, is moving into the area that used to be home only to pied tamarins, and may be pushing pied tamarins closer…

  • Tamarin Trust supports Mountain Marmosets Conservation Programme (MMCP)

    Tamarin Trust has recently funded camera traps for vital survey work on the buffy-tufted-ear marmoset being carried out by Rodrigo de Carvalho (above right), founder of the Mountain Marmosets Conservation Programme, around the city of Teresopolis. The traps will be regularly monitored so that Rodrigo can find out where these endangered marmosets still survive, and…